We Want to Hear from Hazard Mitigation Professionals
Your Voice Can Shape the Future of Hazard Mitigation
NHMA invites you to share your insights and help us shape the future of hazard mitigation for students, entry-level professionals, and seasoned experts alike.
We are proud to announce the creation of the Mitigation Collaborative Stakeholder Forum (MCSF), a dedicated space for hazard mitigation professionals to connect, collaborate, and develop innovative solutions to todayโs most pressing disaster challenges.
To ensure this forum is impactful and meets the needs of the hazard mitigation community, we are conducting a brief survey. Your input will help us understand what drives meaningful collaboration and how to create a professional space that fosters connection and innovation.
Your voice matters. Click below to access the survey and contribute to the future of hazard mitigation:
NHMA Stakeholder Engagement Survey
Our Committees
NHMA Committees contribute individually and collectively toward the achievement of achieving the Goals and Objectives in the current 5 Year Strategic Plan. Each Committee develops specific actions so NHMA can achieve more equitable outcomes and better serve the needs of disadvantaged and under-resourced communities and populations. Every committee plays a key role in fostering a culture of mentoring among NHMA members to guide mitigation practitioners in their careers. Below is a list of NHMAโs standing committees. To learn more and get involved in one of these committees, email us at contact@nhma.info.
Public Policy and Advocacy
This Committee stays current with and influences national policy that impacts mitigation practices and their effectiveness. This includes the full pre- and post-disaster event lifecycle to enable communities to achieve measurable disaster risk reduction including strategies for linking mitigation with post-disaster recovery at the community level. Activities include developing white papers on key national policy and program challenges, products and desk references.
Chairman: Will Polk
Co-Chairman: Gary O'Neal
Education and Training
This Committee guides the continuing development and improvement of the NHMA Disaster Risk Reduction Curriculum and the development of multiple methods of delivery to hazard mitigation practitioners at the National, State, Local, Tribal and Territorial levels, in partnership with FEMA and other Federal Agencies. This includes developing partnerships with other organizations with similar missions, engaging Academic institutions and students, and support to Community training needs. The Committee is focused on the need to expand and further develop the Nationโs hazard mitigation practitioner workforce, especially at the local/community level.
Chairman: Nickea Bradley
Co-Chairman: Thomas Hughes
Emerging Leaders
This Committee focuses on engaging with emerging leaders working in hazard mitigation and climate change adaptation-related interests to participate in promoting NHMAโs mission to encourage risk reduction and climate adaptation on a national scale. The Emerging Leaders Committee aims to create a collaborative environment, ensuring members' perspectives are incorporated into the committee's and organization's direction. Members will work on engaging students nationwide to develop Student Chapters at collaborating institutions, support NHMA committees on projects including training curriculum and research for current event white papers, and connect with like-minded professionals.ย We encourage students of all backgrounds, early career professionals, researchers, and SMEs, to join the committee.
Chairman: Grace Olenzak
Co-Chairman: Sonia Clemens